ICANMS2023 Archive
International Conference on Advances in Nanotechnology and Materials Science (ICANMS) has a rich history of bringing together researchers, experts, and industry professionals in the field of Nanotechnology and Materials Science.
The inaugural ICANMS conference took place in Budapest, Hungary in 2018, parallel to ICBB 2018. The first ICANMS was organized by the Asia-Pacific Association of Science, Engineering and Technology (APASET) in collaboration with Szent Istvan University, Centre for Agricultural Research - Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Chinese Journal of Biologicals, and Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry - Polish Academy of Sciences. ICANMS established itself as a platform for knowledge exchange and collaboration. In 2019, ICANMS moved to Poznan, Poland, concurrently with ICBB 2019. APASET, in partnership with the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry - Polish Academy of Sciences, POL-OPENSCREEN, and EU-OPENSCREEN, successfully organized the conference, providing a vibrant environment for sharing the latest advancements in bionanomaterials and materials application in biotechnology and bioengineering.
In response to the global Covid-19 pandemic, ICANMS 2021 and ICBB 2021 transitioned into a virtual format, with the conference taking the form of a webinar. Despite the challenges, the conference continued to foster connections and facilitate discussions among participants from around the world. Building on the success of the previous virtual edition, ICANMS 2023 maintained its online presence, merging with ICBB 2023 as a joint webinar session. The conference offered a diverse range of sessions and presentations, allowing researchers to exchange innovative ideas and explore the latest developments in the field.
Looking ahead, ICANMS aims to return to in-person conferences in 2024, leveraging the accumulated resources, expertise, and network established over the years. The organizing committee is excited to continue providing a platform for researchers, scholars, and professionals to engage in meaningful discussions, collaborative research, and knowledge dissemination. Stay tuned for updates on ICANMS 2024 as we strive to create an enriching and rewarding conference experience for all participants.
ICANMS 2018: Budapest, Hungary
September 24-26, 2018 Budapest, HungaryThe first ICANMS was organized by the Asia-Pacific Association of Science, Engineering and Technology (APASET) in collaboration with Szent Istvan University, Centre for Agricultural Research - Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Chinese Journal of Biologicals, and Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry - Polish Academy of Sciences. .
Webiste: https://icbb.apaset.edu.pl/2018/about/

ICANMS 2019: Poznan, Poland
September 25-28, 2019 Poznan, PolandIn 2019, ICANMS was held in simultaneous with ICBB 2019 in Poznan, Poland, which was organized by Asia-Pacific Association of Science, Engineering and Technology (APASET), co-organized with Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry - Polish Academy of Sciences, in collaboration with POL-OPENSCREEN and EU-OPENSCREEN.
Webiste: https://icbb.ibch.poznan.pl/

ICANMS 2020: Webinar / Virtual Online
December 16-18, 2020 Webinar (video online)In 2020, due to the impact of global pandemic, ICANMS was held virtual online with ICBB 2020 as a webinar.
Webiste: https://icbb.apaset.edu.pl/2020/about/

ICANMS 2021: Webinar / Virtual Online
October 27-29, 2021 Webinar (video online)ICANMS was held virtual online with ICBB 2021 as a webinar.
Webiste: https://icbb.apaset.edu.pl/2021/about/

ICANMS 2022: Webinar / Virtual Online
September 27-30, 2023ICANMS was held virtual online, combined with ICBB 2022 as a webinar session.
Webiste: https://icabbe.apaset.edu.pl/2022/about/

ICANMS 2023: Webinar / Virtual Online
September 28-30, 2023ICANMS was held virtual online, combined with ICBB 2021 as a webinar session.
Webiste: https://icabbe.apaset.edu.pl/2023/about/