2023 International Conference on Advances in Nanotechnology and Materials Science (ICANMS2023)

September 28-30, 2023 Webinar (Pozzuoli Italy)
ICANMS2023 / Speakers

ICANMS2023 Speakers

Call for Speakers

Researechers and scholars are invited to present at ICBB2023. The Call for Speakers is open. English will be the official language, and each oral presentation will be a duration of 20-35 minutes.
- Qualified oral presentations will be selected after review from submitted abstracts. More speakers will be announced soon after confirmation. To be a speaker of ICBB2023, please submit your abstract
* Please keep in mind the authoritive contact: icabbe@apaset.org; icabbe@apaset.edu.pl; Tel: +86 371 6329 0060. 

Refer speakers on the website at https://icbb.apaset.edu.pl/speakers/